7 Ways Untap Supports Your Program Success.

people shaking hands in a meeting

Your Program Success is Our Mission

The story behind how we started Untap is a little unusual. When we built our platform, its purpose was to fully support its users and provide them with a seamless experience throughout all phases of a competition. Why? Because WE were the users. 

For a long time, the team behind Untap was managing competitions from A to Z. We have used conventional methods and tools and developed a deep understanding of the expectations, the needs, and the pain points of running a competition. The know-how we have built over the years enabled us to design a productive process and an efficient platform that guarantees a successful competition. Today, we are proud to be sharing our experience with others, so they can run their own competitions and achieve their goals.

Let us show you some of the areas where Untap comes to the rescue.

1. Program Concept Formulation

Program success starts with a strong problem statement and clear objectives that align with the bigger vision. Especially when adding a background story, and defined solutions framework. 

Untap offers consultation on your competition concept. We organize workshops with your team to brainstorm ideas and come up with a concept, a theme, and application tracks.

  • Program concept formulation
  • Workshops and ideation sessions
  • Competition theme and tracks

2. Program Content 

Any competition comes with a lot of communication messages to convey to participants to put them on the right track. Based on the concept, our experienced writers help you develop all relevant content for your competition landing page.

  • Program background and story
  • Problem statement formulation
  • Target groups
  • Eligibility
  • Judging criteria
  • Program Timeline
  • What solutions are we looking for?

3. Participants Communication

Great participant experience is a key to program success. Consistent and clear communication is a key to a great program experience. From email messages, and confirmation messages, to automated notifications, we offer customizable templates that help you easily and swiftly set up all necessary communication with participants.

  • Email templates
  • Automated confirmation messages
  • Acceptance and rejection emails
  • Follow-up emails
  • Deadline reminders

4. Competition Submission Forms

Program success starts with a good submission form. Untap helps you set up a form that is clear and easy for participants yet allows you to capture all information needed for evaluation and selection. Based on your competition type, objective, and evaluation criteria, we set up your application form questions.

  • Submission form questions
  • Conditional fields
  • Question types
  • Submissions phases

5. Mentorship & Learning Management For Participants

Mentorship is a crucial component of your competition, when done right, it significantly increases the quality of submissions. Our team supports you in profiling the mentors needed, as well as suggesting topics and sessions that enhance your participants’ learning experience. Untap also helps match the mentors with teams and facilitate scheduling one-on-one sessions.

  • Sourcing mentors
  • Mentor-team matchmaking
  • Scheduling one-on-one sessions
  • Mentorship technical and subject matter topics

6. Judging Criteria and Evaluation Forms

Judging criteria can vary from one competition to another, based on the competition type and phase. We help you define the judging criteria for each phase, moreover, we develop an evaluation form that effectively measures those criteria for better decision-making.

  • Judging criteria for each phase
  • Evaluation form questions for judges

7. Marketing and Outreach Support

If you do everything right, but fail to attract the right applicants for your competition, may it not be, all your efforts can go to waste. Marketing for an online competition has its own specifics, the usual channels and tactics can only work to a certain level. It has to be complemented with specific outreach activities to hit the right audience. Untap helps you create a marketing strategy that works, and focus on channels that attract the right applicatns.

  • Marketing strategy
  • Outreach partnerships
  • Marketing channels
  • Marketing communication messages

We strive for your program’s success and would love to hear from you about your next competition. Book your free consultation session now!

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