The 8 Email Templates You Need For Effective Communication with Applicants

green paper plane by a white brick wall

One of the reasons why applicants churn from certain programs is the ambiguity related to the application process. Never hearing back from a program can be disappointing, especially if the applicant spent a long time filling in their application form.

Sometimes, it is impossible to provide customized feedback for each applicant on the program organizer’s side. However, there are ways never to miss getting back to applicants. Automated email messages and the use of preset email templates can make that happen. Well constructed email templates can provide applicants with all information they need to know about the status of their application.

How To Automate Communication?

Consistent communication with applicants requires some automation, or else you will find yourself spending most of your time writing and sending emails.

Your application software should allow you to set automatic notifications. And to easily filter applicants by status to send email messages in bulk. The application platform should also automatically update the application status for applicants on their accounts.

Email Templates for Effective Communication

Another way is to make use of preset email templates. When categorizing email templates, remember these four keywords: greet, remind, announce, and inform. That is:

  • Welcome applicants and thank them for completing specific steps.
  • Remind applicants of deadlines and milestones.
  • Announce results, and update their application status.
  • Inform them about the next steps.

Here are some templates we prepared to cover those purposes.

1. Welcome Email

Event: Upon the applicant signup.
Subject: Welcome to our program.


  1. Thank them for their interest in your program.
  2. Encourage them to apply, and provide a link to access their application directly.
  3. Provide a link to the program landing page.
  4. Inform them of their available support options available or how to reach out. It could be an info email, FAQs page, or chat support.


open quotation navy blue

Thank you for registering with us! We are excited to receive your submission. Don’t forget to submit before the deadline.

To learn more about the program, please visit our website <insert link>.

Questions? Please reach out at, or check out the FAQs <here>.

2. Start Your Application Email

Event: A few days after the applicant signup.
Subject: Don’t miss the opportunity! Start filling your application.


  1. Thank them for their interest in your program.
  2. Remind them of why they need to apply and the benefits of your program.
  3. Call to action to apply, with a link to directly access their application.
  4. Provide support instructions if they are facing problems with applying.


open quotation navy blue

This is the right time to start filling your application so to keep your chance for winning and participating in an exceptional learning experience. Apply before the deadline on August 31st. Access your application here.

To learn more about the program, please visit our website <insert link>.

Questions? Please reach out at, or check out the FAQs <here>.

3. Complete/Submit Your Application Email

Event: A few days after the applicant signup.
Subject: Don’t miss the opportunity! Start filling your application.


  1. Thank them for their interest in your program.
  2. Remind them of why they need to apply and the benefits of your program.
  3. Call to action to apply, with a link to directly access their application.
  4. Provide support instructions if they are facing problems with applying.


open quotation navy blue

This is the right time to start filling your application, so you don’t lose your chance in winning the grand prize. Participate in an exceptional learning experience, apply before the deadline on August 31st.
You can access your application <here>.

To learn more about the program, please visit our website .

Questions? Please reach out at, or check out the FAQs <here>.

4. Deadline Reminder Email

Event: Few days before the deadline.
Subject: Time is running. Only 3 days left!


  1. Remind them of the benefit and motivation to apply.
  2. A reminder of the deadline and how many days are left.
  3. Call to action to finish and submit the application, with a link to their application.
  4. Provide support instructions if they face any problems with applying.


open quotation navy blue

You took the challenge and started your application but did not complete the process. This is to remind you of the deadline, submit your application before August 31st.
You can access your application here <insert link>.

To learn more about the program, please visit our website <insert link>.

Questions? Please reach out at, or check out the FAQs <here>.

5. Application Receipt Confirmation Email

Event: Once they submit their application.
Subject: Your submission has been received.


  1. Thank them for submitting their application.
  2. Confirm that the application has been received.
  3. Update them on the status of their application (In review).


open quotation navy blue

Thank you for your interest in our program. We have received your application, and we are looking forward to reviewing it.

Reviewing applications typically take up to 4 weeks, sometimes more.

Meanwhile, you can access your account at any time to check if there is any update.

6. Qualified Status Email

Event: Application qualified or moved to the next phase.
Subject: Great News! You are one step closer to the grand prize.


  1. Congratulate them for being selected to move to the next phase.
  2. Remind them that only a limited number were qualified.
  3. Explain the next steps and instructions on the following Call to Action (application form, interview, etc.)
  4. Provide tips on how to prepare for the next phase.


open quotation navy blue

Congratulations on being qualified for phase II; your hard work has paid off! Only 10 applications were qualified for this phase, and you are one of them. You should be proud!

You still have another round to go, and you need to prepare and bring out your best work since only 3 applications will be qualified for the grand prize! For the next phase, you are required to submit a proof of concept and prepare a 4 minutes pitch to present to our jury.

To help you out, we prepared <a guide> with the judging criteria and specifications for the pitch, along with some tips.

Questions? Please reach out at, or check out the FAQs here.

7. Disqualified Status Email

Event: Application disqualified by a reviewer or judge.
Subject: Your Application Results – Awards Program


  1. Thank them for their taking the time to fill the application form.
  2. Give constructive feedback if possible. If not, just remind them of the judging criteria.
  3. Encouraging phrase, celebrate how far they made it through the program and their willingness to compete.
  4. A call to action, maybe encourage them to apply for the next edition, or follow your social media to see the winners.


open quotation navy blue

We would like to thank you for your valuable participation. We enjoyed reviewing your application. While your idea showed potential, unfortunately, we can’t move forward with your application at this point. Since we cannot communicate individual feedback with each application, we advise you to revise the judging criteria and work more on these areas in your project.

You should be proud that you were among those who decided to take on the challenge and develop innovative solutions to make lives easier.

What’s next? We encourage you to keep working on your project, and we would love to see you next edition!

8. Winners Email

Event: Submission marked as a winner.

Subject: Congratulations!! You have made it to the finish line


  1. Inform them that they were selected as winners and congratulate them on their hard work.
  2. A reminder of the grand prize and the program benefits.
  3. Instruction on the grand prize transfer process, and next steps.
  4. Ask them to give feedback, fill a survey or provide a testimonial.


open quotation navy blue

Congratulations! We are delighted to inform you are one of the winners of the Awards Program. Your project was selected among the top 3 winners of the cash prize. Your application definitely stood out, and we are glad that the award would help you bring it to life!

While you celebrate your success, we will be sending you another email requiring some information to make the prize transfer and clarify the next steps.

To keep enhancing your experience with our program, we would like to ask you to fill this form to give your feedback on the program.

Finally, remember to keep communicating consistently and effectively with participants. They deserve to know the information. It also makes your program stand out and keeps attracting the best caliber to apply.

If you need to automate your communication with participants, learn more about Untap or book your demo now.

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